International English

The Declaration of Global Citizenship

  • Whereas the people of our world are more closely connected with one another than at any previous time in history;
  • Whereas many of our present day social systems seem to be in some stage of collapse or breakdown;
  • Whereas those systems are negatively impacting environments and people around the world;
  • Whereas true change has only come from small groups of thoughtful, committed citizens (Mead);
  • Whereas it is becoming glaringly evident to growing numbers of people the time has come to re-examine the underlying assumptions of our collective worldview and adapt new paradigms of thinking (Einstein);
  • Whereas great social transformations have their origins in powerful explicit language and the spoken word (as in the Declaration of Independence and the Magna Carta).
  • Whereas human beings are yet to meet their peak potential as a species, holding great promise for a life-affirming, peaceful, sustainable, global community.

We, the undersigned, declare …..

It is our our sacred right to commit ourselves dutifully to the following tenets:

  • to be responsible citizens of the world as well as legal citizens of our individual countries;
  • to strive for all people to live in peace, freedom and have their basic needs met;
  • to adapt a “Spaceship Earth” philosophy that acknowledges our fates are inescapably inter-connected with all other people;
  • to embrace an attitude that all people are created equal, deserving of respect and dignity without regard to their positions or stature;
  • to be responsible for the quality of life for generations to come;
  • to become champions of social justice, environmental sustainability and spiritual fulfillment without regard to specific religion or practice for all;
  • to approach our lives and our work with an attitude of interdependence, individually responsible for ourselves and our communities while relying on one another to maintain a sustainable “whole;”
  • to challenge the status quo with its institutions, leadership and forms whenever it fails to serve society-at-large;
  • to create new structures and support new leaders as necessary to fulfill the needs of the world;
  • to act with integrity in all that we do, demanding it from our fellow global citizens with whom we share interdependence;
  • to advocate these and similar attitudes, philosophies and actions based upon premises of interdependent global citizenship so others adapt them as their own.

The Covenant

Therefore we, the undersigned, declare and pledge publicly and to one another to stand for these tenets, resolved and committed as women and men of integrity sharing the sacred duty of global citizenship.

Name, Birth City, Photo, Page, Personal Declaration for Action;

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